Exclusive meetings

General information
It is the kind of a training, which combines elements of multimedia presentation and the connoisseur’s corner.
In a private room the participants have the opportunity to taste the superior alcohols and cigars. The instructor acquaints the listeners with the subject matter and then encourages them to the active participation in the tasting.
The essence of this tasting is setting up the atmosphere of a club meeting, aiming mainly at introducing pleasant and informal climate inside the group. The knowledge is conveyed in the form of a casual talk and the trainer gives answers to all pervading questions. The crucial part of the tasting is the conversation about exceptional liquors and cigars. We ensure best quality products at the trainings. In case of strong alcohols, we suggest at least 5 types, in case of wine it is 7 kinds and when it comes to cigars, we present minimum 4 different ones. The products chosen by us are distinguished by a great diversity of kinds, which enables all participants to find their most suitable taste and aroma. We provide professional tasting cards, aromas and tastes maps and information materials about all tasted products.
We can provide hostesses, who were specially trained on serving rules and the tasting of precious liquors and cigars, to make the service of the tasting better. We are convinced that their presence will vary every event and will be a special attraction for the male part of the group.
All tastings and trainings can be conducted in the English and German language. 

The exclusive meetings can be of any length, depending on your expectations. However, we suggests that they should not be shorter than 1,5 hours. The maximum time can be extended to several hours.  
The largeness of the group and service

We recommend this training to groups numbering up to 50 participants. With more numerous groups, problems connected with maintaining the appropriate atmosphere and silence necessary to convey information may occur.
Usually there are two people engaged in the service of the training. However, the number of instructors can be increased in order to guarantee the maximum comfort and the best quality of services.