We are very happy to present our new product – Low-volume tastings. It is, beside cigars and cheeses, the only non-alcoholic tasting in our offer. During an unusual meeting, the participants will mainly participate in games and really spectacular competitions, not so much in the tasting itself.
One of the activities will be a Multimedia Tournament, during which we will show scenes from different films and then will ask questions regarding those fragments. The second game is recognizing aromas, which we can feel in liquors. The aromas are closed in special bottles and only with the use of smell, the participants have to define what they feel and match it with names of aromas, which are written down on paper. The last game is a puzzle in which a bottle is tied. It has to be untied from this riddle as soon as possible.
Only slight amount of whisky or wine is tasted during the meeting. Despite this, the participants gain a lot of knowledge on noble liquors. We familiarize the guests with types and classifications of spirits, professional methods of tasting, highest rated products, as well as generally understood alcoholic savoir vivre.
Owing to a very small amount of alcohol tasted at the show, the attraction is definitely recommended as a complement of conferences, symposiums and other day meetings.
Detailed information on the show can be found in Services bookmark.