On 8 February, in one of the Warsaw restaurants, the Pick and Taste company organized an “exclusive meeting” with the elements of multimedia training for the clients of Hubert Burda Media company. ”Two in One” formula joins not only two types of trainings from our offer, but also two products, which, this time, were whisky and cigars.
The main theme of the meeting was Scotch whisky. The tasted liquors came mainly from the Speyside region – Balvenie, Glenfiddich, Macallan and Speyside, to which bravely tostood up the representative of Islay – Ardbeg.
The opinions on the aromatic-taste quality of the whisky were divided among the participants. The great majority considered the 12-year-old Balvenie and the 15-year-old Glenfiddich the best whisky of the evening. The least appreciated were the 18-year-old Macallan and the 25-year-old Speyside. What surprised, and at the same time was satisfactory, were very positive opinions on the 10-year-old Ardbeg. This peaty, full of medical and sea aromas and tastes whisky was mostly appreciated by not very numerously represented women.
After about two and a half hours of tasting, interwoven with many photos of old and very expensive editions of Scotch whisky, came the time for the next important moment of the evening – exquisite cigars. Our guests were able to make choice out of several cigars. During the tasting the participants got to know how to prepare and smoke the cigar properly and which equipment is the most appropriate during the tasting, as well as the everyday use.
The whole evening was prepared by Pick and Taste from the beginning to the end. Our task was to find the appropriate place, choose the menu for the tasted liquors, prepare gift sets for all the participants, as well as to employ hostesses and conduct the tasting itself.
Numerous positive comments of the guests confirmed us in the belief that the ”Two in One” formula can make the tastings very attractive.