At the end of the previous year, we conducted a very exclusive tasting of noble wines.
The presentation was given in the German language and the listeners were Germans by birth, wine hotheads. Such a demanding group had to be selected the best wine from outstanding regions like Rioja, Champagne, Bordeaux, Tuscany or Tokaj.
What is interesting, the tasters could, for the first time in Poland, try wine with a Pick and Taste label. We have searched for the appropriate taste, which would meet our requirements for a very long time, but finally we found it in Portugal, at one of the boutique producers.
In order to vary the evening, we additionally conducted two games: recognizing wine bouquets and sommelier quiz. The quiz is the new form of diversifying our wine tastings and its main objective is to convey the most needed information on serving and choosing wine in the most comfortable way, as well as to encourage the participants to take active part in the tasting.